
Showing posts from September, 2008

Limestone Caves of Central Laos

Yeasterday we explored a few of the cave systems in the Mountains near town (Vang Vieng). To reach the first cave he rode our rented motorbike in the general direction that we had been told by the locals.  After about a half and hour of trecherous gravel roads that had been washed out by the heavy rains we ran out of road. From here we had to go by foot. Where we left our motor bike we met a family whose eight year old son offered to guide us through the cave (never for free of course, but it really helps having someone who knows the cave and area.)  We had to treck for about 2 hours along a dried up riverbed through the rainforest. On either side of us great mountains of limestone disappeared into the clouds. The sounds of tropical birds and insects echoed off the cliffs toward us as we trekked on. By the time we reached the cave we were soaked in sweat from the afternoon heat. App. 40 degrees celcius, a noraml dry season te...